In the next few months, we will be encouraging you to perform an actuarial valuation of your assets and future spending liabilities to determine your spending budget for 2021. When you do your January 1, 2021 actuarial valuation, we ask, in this post, that you consider the possibility that future Social Security reform may decrease the future benefits you receive from the system and/or increase your future taxes in some manner. Thus, we are asking our U.S. readers to consider how future uncertain Social Security reform might affect your current spending budget. To help you do this, this post will discuss the estimated size of Social Security’s financial problem and several ways you can use our recently updated Actuarial Budget Calculator workbooks to reflect the potential impact of future system reform in your current financial plan.
Developing and maintaining a robust financial plan in retirement is a classic actuarial problem involving the time-value of money and life contingencies. This problem is easily solved with basic actuarial principles, including periodic comparisons of household assets and spending liabilities.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Why the Actuarial Approach Blows the Sox off Strategic Withdrawal Plans, Part II
Subsequent to release of our previous post, we received a suggestion from one of our readers that we show Bill and Jim’s spending graphically, since pictures can frequently communicate better than words. We agreed. Therefore, this post will illustrate Bill and Jim’s expected future spending under the Actuarial Approach if all assumptions made in the calculations are realized and will compare the results with spending expected under the 4% Rule under the same assumptions about the future. Amounts are shown in today’s dollars.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Why the Actuarial Approach Blows the Sox off Strategic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs)
(Hint: The Actuarial Approach focuses on how much you can afford to spend each year, not how much of your invested assets you can safely withdraw each year)
As discussed in our post of October 28, 2020, there is no shortage of recent articles claiming that the 4% Rule or the IRS RMD approach, or the seemingly infinite number of modifications of these SWPs, is the best approach for you to use to develop your spending budget in retirement. Pardon our French, but we call “BS” on these articles. If your goal in retirement is to structure annual withdrawals from your invested assets so that they are relatively stable from year to year and unlikely to run out while you are alive, then an SWP approach may be just what you are looking for. However, if you are looking to structure your spending to meet your financial goals in retirement (including not running out of assets), you will want to check out the Actuarial Approach.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
We’ve Updated Our Two Actuarial Budget Calculators for Retirees
We recently received a suggestion from one of our readers that resulted in changes to our two ABCs for retirees. The suggestion came from Mr. Jerry Kiefer, a retiree with an engineering background. Mr. Kiefer was looking at our post of July 26, 2016 (we are not making this up), and suggested that it would be nice to reflect the expected proceeds from the sale of David’s, (our hypothetical retiree in that post) house in the expected runout of David’s assets in the ABC for Single Retirees. Mr. Kiefer correctly noted that doing so would eliminate the potential cash flow warning that was being produced when he entered the present value of the expected sale in the “PV Other Sources of Income” cell.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Managing Your Finances in Retirement
Every once in a while, we come across an article in the retirement-focused press that contains what we believe to be reasonably good financial advice for retirees or near-retirees. And by good retirement financial advice, we mean, of course, advice that is reasonably consistent with what we advocate in this website. As you can probably guess from our prior posts, these “good advice” articles generally don’t advocate using the 4% Rule or any other SWP to withdraw amounts from your savings.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Actuaries Submit Comments on LISE Calculation and Disclosure Rules
On November 17, the Lifetime Income Risk Joint Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries submitted comments regarding the DOL/EBSA Interim Final Rule on Lifetime Income Stream Equivalents (LISEs) to be included in benefit statements provided to participants in defined contribution plans. We agreed with most of their comments, as they were reasonably consistent with comments we submitted earlier this year. Our comments were discussed in our posts of May 29, 2020 and September 1, 2020. This post will summarize primary areas of broad agreement and one minor area of disagreement with the recently released Academy comments.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Free Planning Data from the CBO
Every year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) releases its 30-year projection of U.S. federal deficits, debt, spending, and revenues assuming current law remains substantially unchanged. This projection can provide helpful information to individuals planning for the future. In this post, we will summarize some of the key takeaways from the 2020 CBO report released last September and potential retirement financial planning implications for our readers.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Adjust the 4% Rule Enough and You Might End Up with Something as Good as the Actuarial Approach—Part 3
Despite its obvious flaws, the 4% Rule of thumb for determining “safe” withdrawals from invested assets retains its popularity among many personal financial journalists, financial advisers, academics and bloggers. While experts acknowledge that the 4% Rule may have certain weaknesses, they claim that these flaws can be addressed with specific modifications. We at How Much Can I Afford to Spend have never been big fans of the 4% Rule, with or without proposed modifications, and we believe the Actuarial Approach is a far more robust approach for budgeting and personal retirement financial planning. Some of our posts on the 4% Rule include (in chronological order):
- October 9, 2014—20 Years of Drinking the 4% Rule Kool Aid
- June 24, 2015—Will “Ratcheting” the 4% Rule Make it Less Insane
- May 9, 2016 and June 3, 2016—Adjust the 4% Rule Enough and You Might End Up with Something as Good as the Actuarial Approach, Parts 1 and 2
- July 23, 2019—The Real Problems with Using the 4% Rule to FIRE
- June 14, 2020—Focus on Retirement Spending, Not Retirement Income
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Determining Your Asset Mix in Retirement
One of the most important considerations in your retirement plan is how to invest your assets. As part of our Recommended Retirement Planning Process, we suggest that you consider implementing a Liability Driven Investment (LDI) strategy where:
- investments in low-risk assets (the Floor Portfolio) are anticipated to be sufficient to fund spending on future essential expenses and
- investments in risky assets (the Upside Portfolio) are used to fund spending on future discretionary expenses.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Should I Buy It?
The primary focus of this website is the relatively boring topic of budgeting. We encourage you to use an “actuarial” process to help you determine how much you can afford to spend each year so that you can make better financial decisions. We don’t tell you how much you should actually spend or how you should spend your money. We understand, however, that the actual buying decisions you make constitute the front-lines of your personal financial wellness battlefield. Further, these decisions can affect your emotional well-being and are therefore much sexier than the prospect of developing an actuarial spending budget. We get it. You see something, you want it and you believe that buying it will make you happy (or happier).
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Are You Over-Estimating Your Future Retirement Spending Needs, Part II?
This post is a follow-up post to our post of August 22, 2017. In this post, we will discuss how you can use our Recommended Financial Planning Process to avoid over-saving/under-spending before and after retirement.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
How Conservative Are Your Planning Assumptions About the Future Part II
This post is a follow-up to our post of May 19, 2020, where we encouraged you to play with our ABC workbooks to become more comfortable with how your results can vary by employing different assumptions about the future. We hope that trying out a few “override assumptions” will give you a better sense for how conservative or optimistic your planning assumptions about the future might be. Subsequent to that post, we made changes to our default assumptions (see our post of August 16, 2020) to make them more consistent with current assumptions used for hypothetical inflation-indexed annuity pricing. The current default budgeting assumptions are:
- Annual investment return/discount rate: 3%
- Annual rate of inflation/desired future recurring budget increases: 2%
- Lifetime planning period(s): Planning horizon from Actuaries Longevity Illustrator, 25% probability of survival for non-smoker in excellent health
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
DOL Issues Disappointing LISE Guidance
On August 18, 2020, the Department of Labor issued an interim final rule (IFR) regarding calculation and disclosure of the Lifetime Income Stream Equivalent (LISE) amounts of current account balances for participants in 401(k) and other qualified defined contribution plans. Subsequent to the release of the IFR, there has been significant attention in the financial press regarding the proposed rules and the assumptions specified by the DOL (on an interim basis) for converting (or translating) defined contribution plan account balances into LISE amounts. This post will not repeat the new rules set forth in the IFR and discussed in the many published articles, but will instead focus on what we perceive to be the significant guidance shortcomings, particularly the requirement to disclose fixed dollar (non-inflation indexed) lifetime annuity payments rather than inflation-adjusted payments.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Options for Spending 2020's Forfeited Trip
One of our readers recently asked whether it was good practice to “roll over” unspent budgeted 2020 travel and entertainment expenses to 2021 or later future years, as long as one does not “double dip” by also counting these unspent amounts as accumulated savings when determining recurring spending budgets. Since this is likely to be a common situation for many of us retirees this year (other than Bobbie, who managed to travel to England early this year), we will address this question in this post.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
We’ve Changed the Default Assumptions for the Actuarial Budget Calculators
The Default Assumptions we build into our Actuarial Budget Calculators (ABCs) are intended to be consistent with assumptions used by insurance companies in the pricing of inflation-indexed life annuities. Since fully inflation-indexed annuities are no longer issued by U.S. insurance companies, selecting these assumptions has become more of a theoretical exercise. However, we do have data on fixed income single premium life annuities and other sources to guide us to some degree.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Can You Afford to Retire?
In these uncertain times, it is natural (for Baby Boomers anyway) to wonder whether retirement or partial retirement may be financially viable. We have seen several articles discussing how much savings may be necessary to enjoy a “comfortable” retirement. In this post, we remind our readers that with the help of one of our Actuarial Budget Calculators for retirees (Single or Couples), and just a little bit of number crunching, you can derive a pretty good idea of how much you may need. We point you to our post of August 25, 2019, “Is $1 Million of Savings Enough?” for a step-by-step example of the approach we recommend.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Actuaries Discuss Retirement Budgeting Approaches
Thursday, July 23, 2020
How to Fix Advisor Retirement Planning Models
After posting, we received the following comment on this post from David Blanchett: “While it's true some financial planning tools don't do the things you list, I wouldn't ascribe the problem to Monte Carlo models... since there are few, if any, limitations for Monte Carlo simulations. Therefore, you might want to change the header to something like "Common Financial Planning Problems" to reflect the fact it's not the model itself (Monte Carlo), rather the tools that have been built using the model that aren't as good as they could be (or likely will be as they evolve)!” We thank Mr. Blanchett for his constructive feedback and agree with him, but we point out that these problems are much more easily fixed in our deterministic actuarial models than in the Monte Carlo models typically used today by financial advisors. |
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Be Empowered to Own Your Own Retirement
“Before addressing the legitimate assumptions tied to retirement planning, the advisor should first help create and tell a story for the retiree to show the bigger picture. An approach to drawing down retirement income should be laid out in order to see how true that story feels to the owner. If the story fits, the retirement plan has a better chance of blending with that retiree’s style.”In this post, we will push back on Mr. Parrish’s premise that retirees need to be told stories about draw-down strategies as a first step in developing a plan for retirement, and we will propose following our Recommended Retirement Planning Process as a better alternative.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Quantifying Spending Needs Versus Spending Wants – Example
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Focus on Retirement Spending, Not Retirement Income
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Comparison of Retirement Spending Budget Calculation Approaches
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Actuaries Release New Essay Collections of Effective Retirement Planning Ideas
Friday, May 29, 2020
Retired Actuaries Submit Comments to the Department of Labor Regarding Disclosure of Lifetime Income Stream Equivalents
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Changes Suggested by Actuaries Unlikely to Ensure Sustainable Solvency For Social Security
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
How Conservative Are Your Planning Assumptions About the Future?
Thursday, April 23, 2020
A Simpler Alternative to Our Recommended Financial Planning Process?
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Yes, Retirees and Near Retirees Can, and Should, Plan for Stock Market Crashes
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Retirees -- Should You Defer Commencement of Your Social Security Benefits?
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Discount Rate / Investment Return Assumption for Actuarial Budget Calculators
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Social Security: Bad Luck for Those Born in 1960?
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Funding Essential Expenses in Retirement
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Is Your 94% Monte Carlo “Safe” Retirement Plan Still Safe?
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Good Time to Up Your Financial Knowledge Game
- that you will be taken care of by some third party or someone else,
- you will be largely responsible for taking care of yourself, or
- some combination of these two alternatives will emerge.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Ok Retirees, What is Your Plan Now that Stocks Have Entered a Bear Market?
Friday, March 13, 2020
Your Retirement Plan Should Incorporate Reasonable Goals, Assumptions and Processes
Monday, March 9, 2020
What is the Cost of Real Dollar Lifetime Retirement Income?
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Updated Glossary
In pursuit of enhancing understanding of our posts, Bobbie has recently updated the glossary of terms that we frequently use. You will find it in the “Glossary” section. Feel free to suggest additional terms or changes you would like to see in this section, or elsewhere in our website, to make this site more useful to you.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Recommended Financial Planning Process for Retirees and Near-Term Retirees Example #2--Pensions are Nice
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How Much Can I Afford to Spend in Retirement Turns Ten
Monday, February 17, 2020
The SECURE Act – So, What is a “Lifetime Income Stream Equivalent” of Your 401(k) Account Balance? How Will It be Calculated? And Why Should You Care?
Friday, January 31, 2020
How to Develop and Implement a Strategic Plan for Your Retirement